T H E :: a r t i s t

Lea Lumière is a multi-displinary artist & writer. Her exploration of art encompasses cinema, film, dance, and visual work. 

She has published five works of poetry; “Olive Rain”, “The End of the World Will Be Photographed”, “Salt & the Cinema," "Choreography in Exile" & most recently "The Metropolis of My Corpse". Her poems have appeared in Visions International, and others.


She spent six months in an art residency in NYC, culminating in a solo exhibit in April 2022. The show featured mixed media paintings, experimental cinema, and a small poetry collection, in the theme of "The Disappearing Woman." At the show, she performed segments of her poetry as well. 


In November 2022, she participated in a group show with Monmouth Arts, in New Jersey. Her painting work titled 'past lives' spoke to the theme of the show 'Belonging'. In August 2023, she performed an improvisational dance work at a group exhibition in Pomona, NY, called 'A sacred Dance'. And in November 2023, she exhibited with Monmouth Arts, with a work of experimental cinema called 'All that's yet to live".


Lea is currently working on visual art and experimental film, as well as her next written publication. Some of her life's visions are to write a historical fiction novel and create a full length feature film.

Some of Lea's artist statement; 

"As a multi-disciplinary artist, my work is pulled through themes of grief, the body, the subconscious and spirituality. I am drawn to color and expression that is dark, ethereal and enigmatic, often weaving a story that is timeless. I carry through my work the souls of my ancestors, the burden and weight of life itself and the spirit reaching to create beauty, rhythm and Godliness through this weight. My work speaks of the dichotomies between the body and the soul, earth and heaven, the mourning and longing on a microcosmic and macrocosmic level. I’m especially drawn to speak through the voice of womanhood, the feminine spirit that wanders in some sense exiled and whispering for that Venusian space of movement, wind, breath, and ultimately the soul performing through the existence of a body."